NeuroAiD presentations at European Stroke Conference
NeuroAiD, Moleac’s main product, will be presented at the 26th European Stroke Conference on 24th May during abstract presentations on the 24th and 26th May by A/Prof. Narayanaswamy Venketasubrmanian: Comparison of Long-term Spontaneous Functional Recovery and...
NeuroAiD presentations at European Stroke Organisation Conference
NeuroAiD, Moleac’s main product, will be presented at the 3rd European Stroke Organisation Conference on 16th May during the following poster presentations: Synergistic Effect of Combining MLC601 and Rehabilitation on Post-stroke Recovery – The CHIMES Study Targeting...
Launch of NeuroAiD in Nigeria
Helping patients reconnect with their lives remain our focus. This February, NeuroAiD will be launched in Nigeria in association with our local distributor, Bolar Pharmaceuticals. Nigeria is one of the most populous nations in Africa, and has recently faced an...