
NeuroAiD at Asia Pacific Stroke Conference

NeuroAiD at Asia Pacific Stroke Conference

Renowned clinicians and researchers will present abstracts from the latest studies conducted on NeuroAiD, including the principal investigators of NeuroAiD’s landmark study, CHIMES-E, demonstrating the long-term benefits of a 3-month course in achieving functional...

NeuroAiD at World Congress of Neurology

NeuroAiD at World Congress of Neurology

Moleac’s flagship product, NeuroAiD, will be presented at the 23rd Word Congress of Neurology during oral abstract presentations by A/Prof. Alice Theadom from New-Zealand. A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Pilot Trial to Investigate the Safety and Efficacy of MLC901...

NeuroAiD presentations at European Stroke Conference

NeuroAiD presentations at European Stroke Conference

NeuroAiD, Moleac’s main product, will be presented at the 26th European Stroke Conference on 24th May during abstract presentations on the 24th and 26th May by A/Prof. Narayanaswamy Venketasubrmanian: Comparison of Long-term Spontaneous Functional Recovery and...