Co-Founder (†1949 -2013)
In 1989, Marc co-founded Genset and was been board member, Chief Biology Officer and General Manager of the company until 2000. Marc left Genset from July 2000 to March 2002. During this period, he was involved in the launch of a number of biotechnology companies spinning off from the Pasteur Institute. He came back to Genset in March 2002 and was appointed CEO and Chairman. He managed the acquisition of Genset by Serono through a tender offer. Marc then served as the CEO and Chairman of Serono France Holding. He created a new venture Sobios (Sophia Bio System) in France.
Marc also served as a Director of several other biotechnology companies and actively participated in advisory boards of several investment funds. Before launching Genset, Marc had been a director of biological research at L’Oreal, after working 10 years at the Pasteur Institute.
Marc was a former Professor of Virology at the University of Paris, and taught in many universities world-wide, including Zhongshan University in Guangzhou.
Marc co-founded Moleac and he contributed considerable experience and knowledge in research management, clinical and regulatory strategies Intellectual property management and business development.