World Stroke Day 2020 Stroke remains one of the main cause for disability worldwide. Moleac remains committed to helping patients Reconnect with their loved ones. We always place patients at the center of everything we do, and their journey towards full recovery is...
Highlights from Asia Pacific Stroke Organization (APSC) and World Congress of Neurology (WCN) Scientific Symposia Two scientific symposia were conducted on the 2nd October 2019 and 29th October 2019. Multiple international faculty members shared their perspectives and...
Highlights from European Stroke Organisation Conference (ESOC) Scientific Symposium June 2019 A scientific symposium was held on the 24th May 2019, which aimed to share the advance of stroke rehabilitation and the role of NeuroAiD in post-stroke recovery. Clinicians...
Moleac holds two educational symposia on the management of Traumatic Brain Injury March 2019 Moleac organized two symposia in Dubai and Bangkok on new approaches for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) recovery. In these symposia, the speakers emphasized on the global burden...
NeuroAiD combined with rehabilitation has shown additive and sustained benefits on post-stroke recovery over 2 years after an initial 3-month treatment following stroke onset More subjects on NeuroAiD™ improved to functional independence compared to placebo among...