NeuroAiD™ has shown persistent long-term benefits after an initial 3-month treatment following stroke onset

Moleac is pleased to announce the release of the CHIMES-E study results published online in the journal Cerebrovascular Diseases1 . It provides convincing data on NeuroAiD which confirm its persistent long-term benefits on patients’ recovery after an ischemic stroke. The CHIMES-E study results were first announced by Prof. Christopher Chen (CHIMES-E co-principal investigator) during the European Stroke Organization Conference (ESOC 2015) in Glasgow, April 17- 19, as part of the Scientific Program during the Clinical Trial session.
The CHIMES-E study is a planned, international and multicenter study performed in a blinded and placebo-controlled manner. It has included 880 patients from the CHIMES study who have suffered an ischemic stroke of intermediate severity within 72 hours, treated with NeuroAiD™ or placebo for 3 months after the initial stroke. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an initial 3-month course with NeuroAiD™ on long-term outcomes for up to 2 years.
This study has showed that NeuroAiD™ increases significantly the odds of achieving functional independence at 6 months which persisted up to 18 months after stroke, as measured by the mRS. All these results were consistent at various time points and seen on 2 indices, i.e. mRS and BI. It also provided further long-term safety data on NeuroAiD™, even when combined with other stroke treatments. “These persistent benefits seen up to 18 months are a clinical confirmation of the previously established neurorestorative properties (i.e. neuroplasticity and neurogenesis) of NeuroAiD™, and suggest that it may be beneficial to extend NeuroAiD™ treatment beyond the first 3 months after stroke,” said Prof. Christopher Chen, neurologist at the National University of Singapore and the principal investigator of the CHIMES study. “The CHIMES-E study provides new insight on the need for long-term assessment of post-stroke recovery in clinical trials of agents with neuroprotective and neurestorative properties such as NeuroAiD.”
These results confirm the hypothesis raised by the CHIMES investigators: longer treatment duration and follow-up beyond 3 months of stroke patients is needed to assess stroke recovery2
About CHIMES Society
The CHIMES Society is an international academic industry collaboration with the objective to establish new stroke treatments. It is a Singaporean non-profit society founded by a group of experts in stroke and South-East Asian stroke clinicians interested to implement a research project: the NeuroAiD™ Efficacy on stroke recovery trial (CHIMES trial).
The CHIMES-E Study was supported by the CHIMES society and grants were received by CHLC from the National Medical Research Council in Singapore (NMRC) which supports the implementation of CHIMES trial in Singapore.
About Moleac
To address therapeutic gaps, Moleac has pioneered a new drug development approach, looking at sources of innovation from Natural Medicines, hence shortening considerably drug development cycle time and investment to bring medicine to sufferers’ unaddressed needs. Moleac’s neurorestorative compound NeuroAiD™ reaches patients in more than 30 countries.
For more information,
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1- Venketasubramanian N, et al. CHInese Medicine NeuroAiD Efficacy on Stroke Recovery – Extension Study (CHIMES-E): A Multicenter Study of Long-Term Efficacy. Cerebrovascular Diseases 2015;44 39:309–318.
2- Venketasubramanian N, et al. Chinese medicine NeuroAiD efficacy stroke recovery-extension study (CHIMES-E study): an observational multicenter study to investigate the longer-term efficacy of NeuroAiD in stroke recovery. Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 35(suppl 1):18–22.