NeuroAiD presentations at European Stroke Conference
NeuroAiD, Moleac’s main product, will be presented at the 26th European Stroke Conference on 24th May during abstract presentations on the 24th and 26th May by A/Prof. Narayanaswamy Venketasubrmanian:
- Comparison of Long-term Spontaneous Functional Recovery and Response to Treatment with MLC601 between Cortical and Non-cortical strokes – The CHIMES-E study (24th May)
- Targeting Stroke Patients with a Higher Potential of Long-term Benefit from Treatment: Insights from the CHIMES-E Study (26th May)
- Synergistic Effect of Combining MLC601 and Rehabilitation on Post-stroke Recovery – The CHIMES Study (26th May)
In addition, Moleac will be hosting an evening symposium on the 25th May with recognised leaders in the field of stroke and pre-clinical research, to cover the following topics:
- Prof. Tatjana Rundek from the Unites States will present her work on long-term prognosis and outcome of patients after stroke.
- Prof. Michel Lazdunski from France, who has conducted several important preclinical studies on NeuroAiD with his team, will present neurorestorative strategies from natural substances.
- Prof. N Venketasubramanian (Ramani) from Singapore, one of the principal investigators of NeuroAiD’s landmark studies, will present CHIMES and CHIMES-E key outcomes NeuroAiD clinical benefit on post-stroke recovery and insights regarding patients’ selection for clinical research.
NeuroAiD (either MLC 601 or MLC 901), as first known as a Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a natural product combining several active ingredients including nine herbal extracts in the form of capsules. NeuroAiD properties have been studied extensively in post stroke recovery and the research is widely published. Since its first commercialization in 2006, NeuroAiD™ has shown a rapid and stable growth internationally, and is available today in numerous countries of several regions (South East Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Africa). Pharmacology research has established the neuroprotective and neurorestorative activities of NeuroAiD providing possible mechanisms for neurological recovery in post-stroke survivors.
Moleac is a pharmaceutical company headquartered in Singapore and focused on developing and commercializing treatment for the patients suffering a loss of brain functions after brain injuries or neurodegenerative diseases. Moleac was founded by French entrepreneurs and scientists in 2002 and is headquartered in Singapore.