Don’t let a stroke strike when you’re young

Don’t let a stroke strike when you’re young

Contrary to what many people think, young people can be just as vulnerable to an ischemic stroke as the elderly might be. They can strike out of nowhere and alter your life forever. There’s a better chance of making a full recovery though if you are younger and get...
Getting back to work after a stroke

Getting back to work after a stroke

One of the biggest questions any stroke victims ask themselves during their recovery is will they ever work again. After everything you’ve been through, a return to the professional world marks a big step forward in the recovery process. Likely, any return...
Looking for a book on stroke?

Looking for a book on stroke?

When looking for the best books on strokes, there is a lot to take into consideration. Do you look for stories about rehabilitation and recovery? Or look at the literature that breaks down the science behind the madness. Nowadays, books come in all forms from...
Reigniting your social life after a stroke

Reigniting your social life after a stroke

Recovering from a stroke can be a daunting process especially when it comes to socially reconnecting with others. However, restarting your social life is a key part of any rehabilitation phase. Reconnecting with others is key to enjoying a normal life and there are...
Memory Games for Stroke Recovery

Memory Games for Stroke Recovery

It takes a lot of effort to help stroke victims retrain their memory. Short-term memory loss is a huge hurdle to overcome and the road ahead may seem long and arduous. Luckily, playing games can help you guide a relative whilst rehabilitating their memory. Not sure...